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Last updated on 2020-09-24.


Brian Blakely

I have developed Python libraries which have decreased data processing computation time by over 200%1, which has helped many researchers explore geospatial data quickly, created software to accurately track your pupils in real time in Python2 to help my disabled, late friend play video games easier, and generated a fairly popular data set containing the lyrics of all top 100 songs in the last 60 years3.

Currently searching for a position that allows me to build tools leveraging multithreading, machine learning, and software engineering to help business and researchers explore and understand their data quickly and easily.


B.S., Computer Science, Mathematics

Bowling Green, OH

Bowling Green State University

2021 - 2016

  • Double majored in Computer Science and Mathematics.
  • Major GPA: 3.7
  • Honors & Awards: Dean’s List

Research Experience

Undergraduate Data Science Researcher

Applied Statistics Department

Bowling Green State University

2021 - 2020

  • Collaborated with a team of seven members for three over semesters to research multiple different areas of Covid-19 related data science research.
  • Researched areas such as; Covid-19 variable importance measures, MSA level sentiment analysis of tweets, multi-signal predictive model by county, and more.
  • Full stack data scientist: Fully automated the collection & processing of various different data sources, then built models to analyze them.
  • Identified and solved a major flaw in a large public data source, then leveraged that solution for better data.
  • Optimized multiple processing and analysis functions using parallel processing.

Undergraduate Mathematics Researcher

Department of Mathematics

University of Dayton

2018 - 2017

  • Researched a generalized approach to compute the volume of revolution.
  • As a freshman, worked directly with my professor to extend and generalize a concept taught in class.
  • Presented the research at a yearly undergraduate research conference, covering the pros & cons of my approach.

Industry Experience

I often contribute to open source projects and am passionate about making & releasing my own software to help others.

Open Source Developer



2021 - 2020

  • Developer of SafeGraphs multithreaded Python library.4
  • Created functions used by thousands of researchers that utilizes parallel processing to significantly decrease computation time.
  • Decreased computation time by over 200%, which enabled easier large scale processing of SafeGraph data.
  • Co-hosted a presentation which introduced this Python library and displayed the power of the multithreaded functions.

Independent Developer



2020 - 2019

  • Developed and maintained software for a video game on my free time and distributed it to 30-40 users weekly.
  • Solved problems for user compatibility and performance issues.
  • Underwent the stages of development under a strict time frame.
  • Released polished software publicly which has been used several thousands of people.

Collegiate Activities

I am passionate about new learning experiences and actively seek ways to grow my education.

Hackathon: Second Place

Department of Computer Science

Bowling Green State University

2020 - 2020

  • Analyzed the lyrics of the top 100 songs in the last 60 years using natural language processing and topological data analysis.5
  • Generated a data set by web scraping multiple sources to get the top 100 songs for every year and get their corresponding lyrics.
  • Created word clouds and frequency graphs to show the trends in lyrics over time.

Video Game Club, Vice President

University of Dayton

University of Dayton

2018 - 2017

  • Collaborated with a team of three to arrange and coordinate events attended by over 40 people on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Largest growing club during the 2017-2018 academic year.

Selected Publications, Posters, and Talks

A Solution to Biased Twitter Sampling

Applied Statistics Department

Bowling Green State University

2021 - 2020

  • An introduction and analysis of how to correctly sample tweets from Twitters free Search API.
  • This paper is still in the works, but should be published in early 2021.

Relevant Coursework

Computer Science




  • Machine Learning
  • Software Engineering
  • Analysis of Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming





  • Statistics
  • Statistical Learning
  • Real Analysis
  • Numerical Analysis